e have entered the period of Dakshinayana, where the sun’s relationship with the planet changes from its northern movement to its southern run. The shift within the human body is such that it is more conducive for sadhana, for setting goals. It is the time when the farmer begins to plough the land. It is the time when the yogi begins to knead this piece of earth – the body – that he is privileged to carry. It is at this time, many thousands of years ago, that the magnificent eyes of the Adiyogi fell upon the human creature.
The first full moon of Dakshinayana is Guru Pournami, when the Adiyogi actually started teaching, and when the first Guru was born. This is about transcendence and liberation, a possibility that human beings never knew, and still most do not know. It does not matter what your genetics are, who your father was, or what limitations you are born with or acquired, you can transcend all of that, “If you are willing to strive.”
In this culture, Guru Pournami was always recognized and celebrated as the day when new possibilities opened up for the human race. But those that ruled this country in the last 300 years had their own plans; they saw that as long as people are spiritually rooted and strong, you cannot rule them. Why isn’t Guru Pournami a holiday? Why should Sunday be a holiday? What are you doing on a Sunday? Eating potato chips and watching television? You do not even know what to do! But if there is a holiday on a full moon day or new moon day, we know what to do. It is time that a holiday is a day that is significant for us. At least, Guru Pournami should be a holiday, so that people know the significance of it. When such a phenomenon got involved with the human creature, it should not go to waste.
If you are willing to strive, you can transcend all your limitations. We want this one message…to reverberate across the planet.
I want all of you to take this up. This Guru Pournami, do not go to the office. Apply for leave and say, “It is Guru Pournami, so I am not coming.” Tell all your friends to apply for leave because it is Guru Pournami. What should you do on that day? Dedicate the day for your inner wellbeing, eat light, listen to music, meditate, watch the moon – it will be fantastic for you because it is the first full moon day after the solstice. Tell at least ten other people that this is a significant day.
Right now, the topmost thing on my mind, and the most important part of what we are going to do with what is left of life, is to see that the whole world becomes conscious of this one thing that the Adiyogi offered: if you are willing to strive, you can transcend all your limitations.
We want this one message, which is over 15,000 years old, to reverberate across the planet. Whether everybody actually gets there or not, they should at least know that if they have the necessary focus, they can. Many things are being done towards this.
We want this one message, which is over 15,000 years old, to reverberate across the planet. Whether everybody actually gets there or not, they should at least know that if they have the necessary focus, they can. Many things are being done towards this.
As a first step, we will unveil the first statue of the Adiyogi on this Guru Pournami, the 12th of July. This will happen here at the Isha Yoga Center, and you are all invited to attend. The statue is over 21 feet tall and will be transported to the United States to be established in our center in Tennessee. That is just the beginning. We are also building another statue of just the face of Adiyogi. It will be 112 feet tall; probably the tallest face on the planet. We are hoping to establish four of them in four corners of the country; one will definitely happen right here at the Isha Yoga Center. The rest of them, all of you must do.
I want this one message to reach every human being. No matter what they are going through in their lives – their struggles, frustrations, madness, longing – that IF THEY ARE WILLING TO STRIVE, THEY CAN TRANSCEND ALL OF THIS. We want to set up this one sign in every human mind and heart. I want all of you to stand up and do whatever you can, wherever you are, to make this happen.
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